• Friday, 04 October 2024

Committee session on NSA role in approving citizenship to controversial Ukrainian national resumes Friday 

Committee session on NSA role in approving citizenship to controversial Ukrainian national resumes Friday 
Skopje, 16 November 2022 (MIA) – The committee tasked with supervising the work of the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Intelligence Agency opened Wednesday a session to review the NSA role in its security checkup of Oleksandr Onyshchenko when issuing a positive opinion enabling Macedonian citizenship to be issued to him. It will resume this coming Friday. Committee chairman Ljupcho Prendzov suspended the session after being informed that NSA head Viktor Dimovski will not be able to be in attendance due to working commitments in Brussels. "The session was convened because recently we have witnessed inconvenience related to our work. Parliament in addition to having a legislative role also has a supervisory role. In this case, the Republic of Macedonia had issued a citizenship to a man who is blacklisted by the United States," Prendzov said opening the session. Earlier this week, committee chairman Ljupcho Prendzov said the NSA head should explain how Oleksandr Onyshchenko passed the security checkup after the controversial Ukrainian former politician and businessman  had been charged with corruption in his home country and later included by the US on a list of sanctioned persons. “He is the one who should elaborate. Personally, I’m very concerned about the issuance of Macedonian citizenships and Macedonian passports. I have the feeling as if though almost every criminal owns a Macedonian passport. I believe it is a serious challenge and an anomaly of the state security sector,” said Prendzov. The Ukrainian national Onyshchenko was awarded Macedonian citizenship as an equestrian athlete after his name was proposed by the Equestrian Federation. The government approved his Macedonian citizenship after all competent institutions has issued a positive opinion. Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski has said that he asked the institutions involved in the granting of the positive opinion for his citizenship the submit a report explaining the procedure.