• Friday, 25 October 2024

Committee on Political System ends debate on government reorganization bill

Committee on Political System ends debate on government reorganization bill

Skopje, 7 June 2024 (MIA) — The Parliamentary Committee on Political System and Relations Between the Communities ended its discussion of the VMRO-DPMNE's bill on the reorganization of government ministries and other administration bodies in a fast-tracked procedure.


According to the bill submitted by prime minister-designate Hristijan Mickoski, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy would become a Ministry of Social Policy, Demographics and Youth. Labor-related matters would be transferred to the Ministry of Economy. The Agency for Youth and Sports whould be transformed into a Ministry of Sports. Some competences of the Ministry of Economy regarding mining and energy would be taken over by the new Ministry for Energy, Mining and Raw Materials, and the Ministry of Culture would become a Ministry of Culture and Tourism. A Ministry of Digitization would replace the Ministry of Information Technology and Administration, and a new Ministry of Administration would be formed, if the bill passes.


For the Parliament to pass the bill, a two-thirds majority is required. The parliamentary session has not been scheduled yet, although sources familiar with the matter said it could be held on Monday.


Only SDSM MPs took part in the committee debate on Friday, criticizing the proposed reorganization, the fast-tracked procedure, and the lack of debate.


SDSM MP Jovanka Trenchevska said the changes would be either cosmetic or harmful. She said transfering labor issues to the Ministry of Economy and separating them from social policy could lead to prioritizing the economy over workers' rights. She also said there was no explanation as to why some of the changes were being made.


Trenchevska also mentioned the new Ministry of Sports, pointing out that, apart from Luxembourg, no other European country had such a ministry. "In our country, because Borko Ristevski wants to be a minister, a ministry like this will be made," she said.


SDSM MP Slavjanka Petrovska criticized the new parliamentary majority for fast-tracking the bill. She also criticized VMRO-DPMNE MPs for not participating in the debate.


Earlier, SDSM MP Fatmir Bytyqi said that increasing the number of ministries and other administrative bodies would lead to an even more bloated and less efficient administration.


Following the Committee on Political System discussion, the bill will be reviewed by the Legislative Committee.


Earlier on Friday, Parliament voted for the need to adopt the bill on reorganizing the government ministries, which is a lead-up to VMRO-DPMNE, Worth It and ZNAM forming a new government. mr/