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Committee on Constitutional Affairs supports proposal for constitutional changes

Committee on Constitutional Affairs supports proposal for constitutional changes

Skopje, 25 July 2023 (MIA) - The Parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs endorsed Tuesday two conclusions: starting a procedure for constitutional changes and drafting the constitutional amendments if the need for a revision is adopted at the plenary session scheduled for August 18. The conclusions were adopted by ten 'yes' and seven 'no' votes.

"The first conclusion reads that the Committee endorses the proposal for constitutional changes submitted by the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia. The second conclusion reads that the Committee proposes that the Parliament takes a decision on starting a constitutional revision," said Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi.

The second conclusion relates to the drafting of the constitutional amendments, only if the need for a constitutional revision is endorsed at a plenary Parliament session on August 18.

"In line with Article 131 Paragraph (1) of the Constitution, the Parliament adopts the decision on the need for constitutional revision by a two-thirds majority. If such a decision is adopted, the Parliament is set to adopt a conclusion, determining a timeframe within which the petitioner drafts the constitutional amendments. Therefore, I propose that the Committee adopts the following conclusion: the petitioner of the proposal for constitutional changes - the Government of RNM - shall draft a text of the constitutional amendments within 15 days and submit it to the Parliament," said Xhaferi.

Earlier, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski elaborated the proposal for constitutional amendments, followed by representatives of all MP groups.

Forty-four VMRO-DPMNE MPs and two lawmakers from Levica are against the constitutional revision.

The Committee session was also attended by Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, Justice Minister Krenar Lloga, and representatives of the diplomatic corps and Skopje-based international missions.