• Monday, 01 July 2024

Bytyqi: Let’s understand the need for further qualification, some jobs from 30 years ago don’t exist anymore

Bytyqi: Let’s understand the need for further qualification, some jobs from 30 years ago don’t exist anymore

Skopje, 27 March 2023 (MIA) – Those who believe that our country provides better living conditions will find the way, the same as our compatriots who think they can find a better life in Western Europe, said Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi on Monday regarding the import of workforce in the country.

He believes that long-term solutions are required from the citizens, who need to understand the necessity for retraining, because some jobs from 30 years ago don’t exist anymore. The trend must be followed and the Government creates opportunities because it has never been, nor will ever be there to carry someone on its back.

Workforce import must be discussed, Bytyqi said, because it’s better to be ready than caught by surprise.

“Lifelong learning is not just a paper and word concept, we need further qualification and retraining to stay in step with new jobs. We no longer have jobs that existed 30 years ago and we are seeking new skills and knowledge. The Government creates opportunities, it offers legal opportunities, elimination of bureaucracy and allows everyone to find their place. The private sector is finding its own solutions as we speak,” noted Bytyqi said. dk/ik/

Photo: MIA