• Saturday, 15 March 2025

Berovo's Kocho Racin St, Dedo Iljo Maleshevski St connected by new bike lane, sidewalk

Berovo's Kocho Racin St, Dedo Iljo Maleshevski St connected by new bike lane, sidewalk

Berovo, 11 December 2024 (MIA) — Berovo has a new bike lane and a new sidewalk, Berovo Mayor Zvonko Pekevski told MIA's Berovo correspondent.

They were built as part of the Berovo Municipality's local road and street construction program. The project, worth Mden 292,993, was financed by the 2025 municipal budget.

"The pedestrian path and bicycle lane connect Kocho Racin Street with Dedo Iljo Maleshevski Street," Pekevski said.

He said the new infrastructure, 40 meters long and 2.5 meters wide, had "urbanized a part of Berovo that was in quite a state of disrepair."

Local residents, the mayor said, would now be safer and have better access to the center of Berovo. mr/