• Friday, 27 September 2024

Andonovski: Country in early stages of building resilience against cyber-attacks on critical sectors

Andonovski: Country in early stages of building resilience against cyber-attacks on critical sectors

Skopje, 17 September 2024 (MIA) - Minister of Digital Transformation Stefan Andonovski addressed Tuesday the 18th Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Working Group (CICWG) meeting, which is part of the Critical Infrastructure Digitalization and Resilience (CIDR) program, USAID-supported initiative focused on strengthening cybersecurity in key sectors: energy, telecommunications, and finance.

"In an era of accelerated digitization and growing cyber threats, the Ministry of Digital Transformation is taking necessary steps to strengthen national cybersecurity," Andonovski said.

He highlighted CICWG's success in strengthening cybersecurity in critical sectors, such as: energy, telecommunications, and finance.

"This program is an excellent example of how international cooperation can result in concrete benefits for our country," Andonovski noted.

The Minister also presented challenges the country is facing in the area of cybersecurity, and the need for more efficient protection of critical information systems, improving regulations, and alignment with European directives.

"We are still in the early stages of building resilience against cyber-attacks in critical sectors. But, as we work on these initiatives, our new National Strategy for Cybersecurity will be the key document that will define the path to strengthening our capacities," Andonovski added.

He shared a vision for creating a safe, secure, and resilient digital environment that will facilitate the seamless development of digital economy and society in North Macedonia. ssh/ik/

Photo: Ministry of Digital Transformation