• Monday, 23 September 2024

Abdiu-Halili: Working on capacity strengthening and digital services for 20 years

Abdiu-Halili: Working on capacity strengthening and digital services for 20 years

Brussels, 20 October 2023 (MIA) - As a country that has implermented the Stabilization and Association Agreement for almost 20 years, North Macedonia has continually harmonized its national legislation with the European law, strengthening its administrative capacities and developing digital services, said Deputy Negotiator with the EU and State Secretary at the Secretariat for European Affairs Drita Abdiu-Halili in Brussels on Friday.

"Some of the most recent activities include the adoption of the new Law on Organic Budget that part of the public finance reform. The Fiscal Council has also been set up in the Parliament," said Abdiu-Halili in the opening remarks within the bilateral screening meeting on Chapter 33 - Financial and Budgetary Provisions, which part of Cluster 5 - Resources, Agriculture and Cohesion, MIA reports from Brussels.

Chapter 33 relates to the capabilities and the administrative capacity of the country to contribute to the EU common budget when it joins the Union. Some of the issues have already been discussed at the bilateral screening meetings on Chapters 16 and 29 - Taxation and Customs Union.

The meeting includes representatives of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Public Revenue Office, Customs Administration, State Statistical Office, and the Secretariat for European Affairs.

The next bilateral screening meetings on Chapter 13 - Fisheries will take place in Brussels on October 26-27.