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35th Book Fair with special focus on importance of mother tongue starts tomorrow

35th Book Fair with special focus on importance of mother tongue starts tomorrow

Skopje, 3 May 2023 (MIA) - The International Book Fair 2023 kicks off on Thursday with a full seven-day program including over 60 publishing houses, foreign and domestic authors. The Book Fair, set to take place at Skopje's Boris Trajkovski Arena, will run through May10. The number of visitors is expected to reach pre-pandemic levels of 30,000, said the organizers.


They told a press briefing on Wednesday that many interesting authors are expected to attend, promoting new books at the Arena's promotional center, and other stands with educational workshops, and art stands for young visitors as part of the several-day program of the Book Fair's 35th anniversary.


"Last year’s Book Fair was attended by 24,000 visitors. This year, 30,000 visitors are expected. What we managed to do this year, which is supposed to be a fun surprise for book lovers, is to set up the technical part of the area to create a true fair experience,” says Daniela Gligorova, CEO of Global Media Group.


One of the main goals of this year's Book Fair is to mark the importance of the Macedonian language, as the people's main identity. The program will focus on activities and programs celebrating famous legends that have left their mark in Macedonian literature.


On Friday, May 5, a panel will be organized by Association of Macedonian Publishers in honor of Macedonian Language Day.


"On day two of the fair, since it is the Macedonian Language Day, together with the Association of Macedonian Publishers we agreed to hold a panel at 12:00pm, we also invited high schools to attend with essays on the Macedonian language. There are also going to be quotations from domestic and foreign authors, and we hope that those who come enjoy themselves," added Gligorovska.


Press briefing on 35th Book Fair Photo/MIA


"This is the most important event for publishers. It is the most important literary event, and also an important cultural event in our country, and its very continuity makes it respectable. With our commitments and efforts, we try to raise it to an even higher level," noted Bojan Sazdov from the Association of Macedonian Publishers.


The organizers said prices for regular tickets per person will be Mden 80, and Mden 50 for organized student groups. Tickets are available at the entrance, and for all fans of digital services, tickets can be purchased online through "Karti.com.mk."


The Book Fair is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture. ssh/nn/

