• Tuesday, 21 January 2025

30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between North Macedonia and China

30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between North Macedonia and China

Skopje, 8 October 2023 (MIA) - October 12 marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of North Macedonia and the People's Republic of China.


"Diplomatic relations between the two countries were established on October 12, 1993. Relations between the two countries have reached a high political level, while bilateral cooperation is developing in all spheres," the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) told MIA.  


Министерството за надворешни работи на Република Северна Македонија информира дека со сите свои ресурси и напори, преку дипломатско-конзуларните претставништва во Љубљана и Загреб, се обидува


Focus is placed on economic cooperation, particularly on intensifying trade exchange, which is of benefit to the citizens of both countries.


"We fully respect the territorial integrity of the People's Republic of China and back the "one China" policy, supporting finding an appropriate solution. In the coming period, we will continue to jointly promote cooperation, both bilaterally and multilaterally," the MFA told MIA. 


China is the fifth major trading partner of North Macedonia in the period January - July 2023, after Germany, Great Britain, Greece and Serbia. According to the State Statistical Office, the total external trade volume in this period is USD 654.7 million and compared to the same period last year, it recorded growth of 12 percent. The export of Macedonian products and services to the Chinese market amounts to 58.4 million and records an increase of 77.2 percent compared to last year. The import of products from China, on the other hand, is several times higher and stands at USD 596.3 million, which is an increase of 8 percent.  


The Chinese Embassy and the Center for Strategic Research and Analysis recently organized a panel discussion in Skopje, where Chinese representatives voiced readiness to continue cooperation in all areas, particularly in the economy, noting that China remains widely and sincerely open to cooperation with all countries in the Western Balkans.


Кина е голем извозник на суровини и во иднина може значително да ја намали понудата за трговски партнери како што е Германија, за да ја подмири сопствената побарувачка, наведено е во извештај


This year marks the 10th anniversary of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) 


This year, China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also known as the New Silk Road, marks a decade since its launch. China originally aimed to support construction of infrastructure in East Asia and Europe. In the decade since, the Chinese Government has expanded the project to Africa, Oceania, and Latin America, in an attempt to broaden Chinese influence in these regions. 


Изградбата на автопатот Кичево - Охрид е меѓу приоритетите на Владата. Посебен тим на Министерството за транспорт и врски и Јавното претпријатие за државни патишта работат максимално на приор


There are two infrastructure projects in North Macedonia, including the Miladinovci-Shtip section, which has been completed, and the Kichevo-Ohrid road, where work by Chinese companies is still ongoing. In the past years, cooperation also took place in other sectors such as energy, culture, education, IT, etc. 


According to official Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) data, over the past decade, 151 countries and 32 international organizations have joined the initiative. The initiative has brought nearly a trillion U.S. dollars of investment, created about 420,000 jobs in countries along its routes, and helped lift nearly 40 million people out of poverty.    


Elizabeta Veljanovska Najdeska 

Photo: MIA archive