• Sunday, 29 September 2024
European Front presents election manifesto titled ‘Europe 2030’ 

European Front presents election manifesto titled ‘Europe 2030’ 

Skopje, 19 April 2024 (MIA) - The DUI-led “European Front” coalition presented Friday in Skopje an e...

Bogoev: Customs Administration day marked with high revenue results, crime suppression and reform processes

Bogoev: Customs Administration day marked with high revenue results, crime suppression and reform processes

Skopje, 16 April 2024 (MIA) - Customs revenue in 2023 is rising on every basis, the number of seizur...

Besimi: Over EUR 560 million in funds from EIB, EBRD, EU for the completion of railway to Bulgaria and joint Tabanovce station

Besimi: Over EUR 560 million in funds from EIB, EBRD, EU for the completion of railway to Bulgaria and joint Tabanovce station

Skopje, 12 December 2023 (MIA) – Over EUR 560 million have been secured for the realization of signi...

Besimi: Draft-budget for 2024 focuses on priorities, reallocates funds to meet public needs  

Besimi: Draft-budget for 2024 focuses on priorities, reallocates funds to meet public needs  

Skopje, 4 November 2023 (MIA) – The draft-budget for 2024 targets the priorities and adequately real...

World Bank support lays solid foundations for faster economic growth, facilitating country’s path to EU: PM

World Bank support lays solid foundations for faster economic growth, facilitating country’s path to EU: PM

Skopje, 1 December 2023 (MIA) – The thirty years of support from the World Bank are laying solid fou...

Officials agree access to EUR 200 million from IMF’s Precautionary and Liquidity Line

Officials agree access to EUR 200 million from IMF’s Precautionary and Liquidity Line

Skopje, 14 November 2023 (MIA) – Representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMD) and the au...

Gov’t adopts 2024 draft-budget of EUR 5.5 billion

Gov’t adopts 2024 draft-budget of EUR 5.5 billion

Skopje, 14 November 2023 (MIA) – The Government of North Macedonia adopted the draft-budget for 2024...

No new taxes planned with 2024 Budget: Finance Minister

No new taxes planned with 2024 Budget: Finance Minister

Skopje, 2 November 2023 (MIA) – The budget projections for 2024 don’t foresee any new, additional ta...

Finance Minister Besimi meets with EBRD directors Colangeli and Türkmenoğlu

Finance Minister Besimi meets with EBRD directors Colangeli and Türkmenoğlu

Skopje, 1 November 2023 (MIA) – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is one o...

‘Erste Investors’ Breakfast’ held in Skopje, focus on macroeconomic stability, sustainable growth, reducing inflation

‘Erste Investors’ Breakfast’ held in Skopje, focus on macroeconomic stability, sustainable growth, reducing inflation

Skopje, 25 October 2023 (MIA) – At this year's "Erste Investors' Breakfast" in Skopje, representativ...

Besimi – Drexler: Germany supports country’s Euro-integrations, as proven by Berlin Process

Besimi – Drexler: Germany supports country’s Euro-integrations, as proven by Berlin Process

Skopje, 16 October 2023 (MIA) – The Federal Republic of Germany is a partner country and supports No...

Besimi’s meetings with EBRD and IFC representatives focus on infrastructure projects, energy transition

Besimi’s meetings with EBRD and IFC representatives focus on infrastructure projects, energy transition

Skopje, 14 October 2023 (MIA) – In a press release Saturday, the Finance Ministry said high represen...

Besimi – Yu: Discussions important for creating policies supported by international financial institutions

Besimi – Yu: Discussions important for creating policies supported by international financial institutions

Skopje, 14 September 2023 (MIA) – Minister of Finance Fatmir Besimi held a meeting Thursday with the...

Minister Besimi joins Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action

Minister Besimi joins Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action

Skopje, 15 August 2023 (MIA) – Minister of Finance Fatmir Besimi became a full-fledged member of the...

Besimi and Shteriev mark beginning of Stock Exchange trade with popular bonds

Besimi and Shteriev mark beginning of Stock Exchange trade with popular bonds

Skopje, 25 July 2023 (MIA) – Minister of Finance Fatmir Besimi alongside the CEO of the Macedonian S...
