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Xhaferi - Lipavský: North Macedonia and Czech Republic foster traditional friendship, political dialogue, mutual cooperation

Xhaferi - Lipavský: North Macedonia and Czech Republic foster traditional friendship, political dialogue, mutual cooperation
Skopje, 7 February 2023 (MIA) - Our relations with the Czech Republic are characterized by traditional friendship and cooperation, with constant political dialogue and mutual cooperation, said Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi at a meeting with Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský on Tuesday.
Xhaferi expressed gratitude for the increased importance given to the geopolitical significance of the Western Balkans, especially following the migrant crisis in 2015, when interest to have the countries of the Western Balkans join the EU increased.
The Speaker pointed out that the Visegrad Group is among the biggest supporters of the aspirations of the Western Balkan countries, adding that he expects this support to continue in the future, keeping in mind the unequivocal support to strengthen the partnership, the Parliament said in a press release.
"This will improve infrastructural relations and the principle of good governance between the EU and the Western Balkans. He also mentioned the country's European integration process and pointed out that the screening process is expected to go according to plan, to then start the process of constitutional changes," Xhaferi said.
Minister Lipavský said North Macedonia's EU membership must be the key national interest for all political actors in the country, knowing that this process is long and painful.
"We need to make all our political decisions with a consensus and explain them to the citizens," Lipavský said, adding that the country must follow the path of reforms and make all necessary changes so that it may join the EU as soon as possible, and that the Czech Republic will always side with North Macedonia.
In addition, interlocutors agreed that it takes more mutual cooperation and support for North Macedonia to make progress and overcome the difficult challenges it's facing. dk/nn/