• Tuesday, 02 July 2024

Witness and experts' testimonies on agenda at inquiry committee session on Oncology Clinic case

Witness and experts' testimonies on agenda at inquiry committee session on Oncology Clinic case

Skopje, 27 October 2023 (MIA) - The Inquiry Committee on the Oncology Clinic case will resume its session in the Parliament on Friday with testimonies by witnesses and experts, as well as a review of acts and documents related to the scandal.


Committee chair, VMRO-DPMNE MP Rashela Mizrahi, said last week she expects the hearing of testimonies to be completed by November 3, after which all documentation should be reviewed within 30 days and the conclusions should be submitted to the Parliament.  


Witnesses called before the inquiry committee so far include Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski, Health Minister Fatmir Mexhiti, former health ministers Venko Filipche, Bekim Sali and Nikola Todorov, former and current directors of North Macedonia's Health Insurance Fund - Orhan Ramadani, Faton Ahmeti, Maja Parnadzhieva Zmejkova, Magdalena Filipovska Grashkovska, current Deputy Health Minister Maja Manoleva, former deputy health ministers - Ilir Hasani and Vladimir Rendevski, as well as Eftim Naskov, chief internal auditor at the Health Insurance Fund.   


The decision to set up an inquiry committee to look into the Oncology Clinic case was adopted on September 20, after the Public Prosecutor's Office launched a pre-trial investigation following media allegations that Oncology Clinic staff were withholding life-saving medical care from cancer patients and reselling cancer drugs.


Photo: MIA archive