Weather: Sunny, windy afternoon; high 21°C
- Cloudy with downpours (over 40 l/m2 in some places), intermittent thunderstorms and heavy gusts of wind.Mostly sunny in the afternoon with more clouds moving in later in the day and bringing showers to the west. Also expect strong gusts of wind from the south of over 70 km/h in some places.

Skopje, 5 November 2023 (MIA) — Mostly sunny in the afternoon with more clouds moving in later in the day and bringing showers to the west. Also expect strong gusts of wind from the south of over 70 km/h in some places.
Lows will range from 2°C to 8°C and highs from 17°C to 23°C.
Similar weather in Skopje, with temperatures up to 21°C.