Weather: Cloudy, cold and windy, local rain, snow; high 10°C
- Mostly cloudy and cold with moderate to strong wind blowing from the north, gusting up to 60 km/h at places. Scattered rain, snow in mountains and higher altitude places, especially in country's west and southwest.
- Post By Nevenka Nikolik
- 08:26, 18 March, 2025

Skopje, 18 March 2025 (MIA) - Mostly cloudy and cold with moderate to strong wind blowing from the north, gusting up to 60 km/h at places. Scattered rain, snow in mountains and higher altitude places, especially in country's west and southwest.
Lows will range from -3°C to 5°C and highs from 2°C to 10°C.
Similar weather in Skopje with temperatures up to 10°C.
Photo: MIA archive