• Tuesday, 01 October 2024

Third aid convoy starts entering Rafah crossing

Third aid convoy starts entering Rafah crossing

Al-Arish, Egypt, 23 October 2023 (dpa/MIA) - The third aid convoy began entering the Rafah border crossing from Egypt on its way to the Gaza Strip, an Egyptian Red Crescent official said.


The organization's head in North Sinai, Khalid Zayed, told dpa that 40 trucks are expected to enter on Monday, carrying food, medicine and other supplies provided by Egypt, other countries and international organizations.


At least 27 aid planes have landed in North Sinai's al-Arish airport since October 12, carrying aid from many countries including Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, Turkey and Brazil as well as United Nations' agencies.


Trucks then wait outside the crossing before heading to the transit area inside the Rafah border crossing.


Twenty trucks delivered aid on Saturday, and another 14 crossed on Sunday.


Photo: MIA archive