SONK to stage general strike on Monday

Skopje, 10 April 2022 (MIA) – The Independent Trade Union for Education, Science and Culture (SONK) Head Jakim Nedelkov at Sunday’s press conference said the general strike will start on Monday demanding an increase in salaries in education sector by 18.4 percent. The strike will continue until their demands are met.
Nationwide general strike will be staged by staff working in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, student dormitories and higher education institutions that will strike in solidarity.
The teachers who will strike as of Monday will stay in the schools and kindergartens and classes for the children will be cancelled. The schools will be open and the principals will be obliged to organise entry of children who will eventually go to school,” Nedelkov said.
Nedelkov called on the government to start negotiations with the education workers’ trade union as soon as possible aimed at finding a solution to the demands.
He said that there is pressure on the staff working in the kindergartens, who are forced to be at work and work as if there is no strike, adding that any attempt to postpone the strike was against the law.
In regard to possible hiring of temporary staff who will replace the strikers, which is regulated by a Law adopted in 2014, Nedelkov said that the International Labor Organization asked the Government in 2017, 2018 and 2022 to remove this legal solution and added that these provisions are a serious obstacle to the right to strike.
After failing to strike a deal on a pay rise by 18.4% with the government, SONK decided to stage a general strike. Their demand is aimed at aligning with the minimum wage increase from Mden 15,199 to Mden 18,000, which has already entered into force.