• Tuesday, 01 October 2024

Skopje observes 60 years since disastrous earthquake

Skopje observes 60 years since disastrous earthquake

Skopje, 26 July 2023 (MIA) – Skopje marks Wednesday 60 years since the disastrous earthquake, which levelled much of the city on this day in 1963, killing over 1,000 people and leaving 3,000 injured.

The earthquake, which measured 6.1 on the moment magnitude scale, equivalent to 6.9 on the Richter scale, occurred on 26 July 1963 at 5:17 am local time. The tremor lasted for 20 seconds and was felt mostly along the Vardar River Valley. Smaller aftershocks were felt until 5:43 am.

More than 15,000 homes and apartments were destroyed in the quake, and 28,000 were damaged. The disaster left 200,000 people homeless.

Countries from around the world helped rebuild the devastated city, in a completely new architectural style and layout, with several large new urban zones added to the east, west and north. The United Nations coordinated the support effort and despite the Cold War, both Eastern and Western bloc countries helped with resources and personnel.

It is believed that the 1963 earthquake was at least the third time Skopje was destroyed in this fashion, with records of catastrophic quakes in 518 and 1555.

60 years since the disastrous earthquake will be observed today with a number of events.

A government delegation led by Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj alongiside Culture Minister Bisera Kostadinovska – Stojchevska and Deputy Education Minister Agim Nuhiu will lay flowers at the monument of the earthquake victims at the Skopje-based Butel cemetery.

Moreover, several events are also foreseen to be held at different locations in the capital within the project of the Ministry of Culture entitled "Skopje at 5:17.”

A concert featuring Macedonian evergreen songs dedicated to Skopje was held late on Tuesday in Ibni Pajko park as part of the project.

The program will continue today by the opening of Kiro Georgievski’s digital exhibition of the State Archives entitled "The Rise and Fall of Skopje" at the Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje.

Во рамки на фестивалот „КРИК 06: Јазол – привремено постоење, анксиозност и загубена иднина“ вечер во Музејот на Современа Уметност (МСУ) предавачот Михаел Хајнрих ќе одржи јавно предавање на

On this commemoration, the Cinematheque will show an extraordinary selection of short film journals of “Filmske Novosti” that were recorded after the earthquake.

Skopje Light Art District team will perform audiovisual installations with laser projection and 3D mapping as an illustrative display of the earthquake and reconstruction at the building of Telecommunication Centre and the Postal Center.

A multimedia event featuring art exhibitions, film screenings, visual art and music program, club music, an event for the urban and modern Skopje will be held in the Museum of the City of Skopje.

In addition, several activities organized by the Red Cross, under the motto "For Skopje with love", will take place today including painting a mural, interactive training on dealing with disasters, letter and telegram writing, and an exhibition.

The Skopje music band Pedro Horisonte, the Lufthansa band and the ethno band Baklava will perform at the MKC Youth Cultural Center.

An exhibition of photographs by Risto Kostovski is to open in MKC gallery 1, while an exhibition of photographs from the collection of postcards by the author of the project Filip Koneski will open in gallery 2. The City of Skopje and the Ministry of Culture support the exhibition.

Moreover, part of the programme is raising an initiative to revive Borko Lazeski's mural "Fresco for NOB", which was destroyed in the 1963 earthquake.

Photo: MIA archive, MKC Youth Cultural Center, Cinematheque