Siljanovska-Davkova says will pardon those convicted for April 27 events if elected
- VMRO-DPMNE and its coalition held a rally Friday in Struga where presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova requested the support of the local population.
- Post By Angel Dimoski
- 23:04, 5 April, 2024

Struga, 5 April 2024 (MIA) – VMRO-DPMNE and its coalition held a rally Friday in Struga where presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova requested the support of the local population.
At the rally, Siljanovska-Davkova said she intends to make the presidential post a dignified and responsible post that “will present Macedonia as a proud and European country”.
“We will be proud of Macedonia and Struga, if we have a country which is standard, in order, and founded on the rule of law. A country which is small, but meets all national targets. This isn’t what the country is like currently. You cannot have rule of law with a judiciary that is dependent, with judges who instead of being subject to the rule of law, justice, the Constitution and the legislation, are deeply connected to partisan and oligarchic groups and don’t reach verdicts in accordance with the Constitution and the laws, while they say they are Europeans,” Siljanovska-Davkova said.
She also spoke about the events in the Judicial Council and the Constitutional Court.
“The Constitutional Court needs to have two judges proposed by the president. They should represent the peak of the legal profession, to have the reputation, to radiate with dignity and knowledge. Then Macedonia will be proud of the Constitutional Court which in many countries is one of the most important factors of the democratization of the political system,” VMRO-DPMNE’s presidential candidate said.
At the rally in Struga, Siljanovska-Davkova said if elected, she would pardon those convicted for the events of April 27.
“In the name of justice, ethics and morality, it is necessary sometimes for the president to pull the brake in terms of the court. I will do that, and I often mention this, especially when I am reminded of those convicted for Apil 27. I am horribly struck by the fate of Jane Chento. How is it possible that his grandfather’s fate is being repeated in the 21st century, in modern Macedonia? Imagine being convicted for organizing a terrorist threat and violating Macedonia’s constitutional order. We would still be feeling the consequences today if such a threat existed,” Siljanovska-Davkova said.
The presidential candidate said the country can’t have rule of law when it has an administration “full of partisan minions”.
“A vote for professor Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova means an end to the degradation and the defeats that the ruling parties present as victories. An end to the gullible policies behind which lucrative interests of hundreds of politicians hide,” VMRO-DPMNE’s leader Hristijan Mickoski said at the rally in Struga.
Mickoski said Siljanovska-Davkova is a woman with principles.
“Like all of us, she too could’ve chosen a calm and peaceful life, but she is in politics because she has the knowledge, the integrity and because she wants to change things for the better together with you, with the people. A vote for Gordana is a vote for a proud Macedonia, a country led by knowledge and principles,” Mickoski said.
According to the VMRO-DPMNE leader, the turnout and the vote of the silent majority will be crucial at the coming elections.
He said the people had lost control of the country, stating that it had been “gifted” to DUI and SDSM. “These elections,” he said, “are a vote on whether DUI will continue to rule or be sent to the opposition.”
On Friday, VMRO-DPMNE and its presidential candidate also held rallies in Vevchani and Resen.