• Sunday, 23 February 2025

Significant progress made in negotiations over growth of public sector wages, says Ministry

Significant progress made in negotiations over growth of public sector wages, says Ministry

Skopje, 29 June 2023 (MIA) – The social partners made significant progress in the negotiations over the growth of wages in the public sector, said the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy in a press release Thursday, following the session of the Economic and Social Council.


According to the Ministry, the methodology for the growth of wages in the public sector was presented at the session. The methodology proposes a transition period between 2023 and 2025, i.e., wage increases during a period of 2.5 years.

-По конструктивната дискусија меѓу социјалните партнери во однос на предлогот, се донесе заклучок дека периодот на транзиција од 2,5 години е прифатлив, а владините претставници ќе направат н

The Council’s session will continue on Monday, and the new proposals for the calculation of wages of public sector employees will be reviewed.


“After the constructive discussion between the social partners, a conclusion was reached that the transition period of 2.5 years is acceptable, and the government representatives will carry out new simulations based on the proposals submitted by the unions,” said the Ministry.


The session was chaired by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Jovanka Trenchevska.

Photo: Ministry of Labor and Social Policy