• Thursday, 27 June 2024

Scholz: EU needs to step up its game as 'geopolitical actor'

Scholz: EU needs to step up its game as 'geopolitical actor'
Berlin, 18 July 2022 (dpa/MIA) - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is campaigning for a stronger and "geopolitical European Union" in the face of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. In a guest contribution for the Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung newspaper published on Sunday, the German leader called on the bloc to close its ranks in all areas on which member states have been divided so far, from migration policy to the development of a common European defence. His government would make concrete suggestions "in the coming months" to achieve this, Scholz said. According to the German leader, the EU is a "living antithesis to imperialism and autocracy," which is why it is a nuisance for rulers like Russian President Vladimir Putin. "Permanent disunity, permanent dissent between member states weakens us," Scholz warned. "That is why Europe's most important response to the change of times is: Unity. We absolutely must maintain it and we must deepen it." The chancellor also called for an end to "selfish blockades of European decisions by individual member states." When it comes to foreign policy, for example, the EU just couldn't afford national vetoes any more if it wants to be taken seriously in a world of competing superpowers, Scholz said. Meanwhile, he also stressed that the EU was evolving and expanding. "The European Union is more attractive than ever, it is opening up to new members and will reform at the same time."