• Sunday, 23 February 2025
Religious calendars
7 August 2022 (MIA) Macedonian Orthodox Church Calendar St. Anna St. Anna, the mother of the Theotokos, was the wife of St. Joachim and the daughter of Mattham, a Levi priest. Anna and Joachim were married and childless for about 50 years. This saddened them, and they vowed that should the Lord bless them with a child they would dedicate it to Him. Hoping their prayers would be answered, they brought gifts to the Lord’s temple in Jerusalem on the yearly Feast of the Dedication (Hanukkah) and Feast of Lights. The priests, however, did not wish to accept them, since they were from a childless man, and Joachim was scorned. Publicly humiliated he soon remembered that Abraham whom God gave a son in his old age. He then retired to the wilderness to pray, were the Archangel Gabriel told him that his prayers have been heard, and that Anna will give birth to a daughter who shall be called Mary. Catholic Calendar Sixtus II Pope in 257. Dealt with the controversy concerning Baptism by heretics. In 258, while celebrating Mass at the tomb of Saint Callistus, he was arrested during the persecution of Valerian. He was beheaded with four deacons on the same day. Buried in the same catacomb where he had been celebrating Mass when he was arrested.