• Saturday, 01 February 2025
Religious calendars

1 February 2025 (MIA)

Macedonian Orthodox Church Calendar

Venerable Macarius the Great of Egypt

He was an Egyptian and he married in obedience to his parents’ wishes, but his wife died very soon and he went off into the desert of Scetis, where he spent sixty years in toil and struggle, both physical and spiritual, for the Kingdom of heaven. He succeeded so greatly in purifying his mind from evil thoughts and his heart from evil desires that God endowed him with abundant wonderworking gifts. He lived for ninety years and entered into rest in the year 390.

Catholic Calendar

St. Arnold

Saint Arnold was born to a prominent Austrian family in the year 580. Even back in those days the Austrians were famous for their love of beer, and admired for their brewing prowess. As a young man, Arnold entered the priesthood and began moving his way up that earliest of all career ladders. At the age of 32, he was given the title Bishop, and in 612 was named “Arnold, Bishop of Metz.” He is said to have spent his life warning peasants about the health hazards of drinking water. Water was not necessarily safe to drink during the dark ages, especially around towns and villages. Beer, on the other hand, was quite safe. Arnold frequently pointed this out to his congregation. In 627, Saint Arnold retired to a monastery near Remiremont, France, where he died and was buried in 640.