• Sunday, 06 October 2024

Religious calendars

Religious calendars

25 August 2024 (MIA)

Macedonian Orthodox Church Calendar

Holy Martyrs Anicetas and Photius

Emperor Diocletian once visited the city of Nicomedia to exterminate the Christians. But when he began his merciless torture of Christians, St. Anicetas, one of the high ranking officials of the city, boldly confessed before the emperor his faith in Christ the Lord. Anicetas also denounced the idols, the worship of which is unworthy of a rational man. The emperor ordered his tongue to be severed but Anicetas, by the power of God, continued to speak. They then released a lion against him, but the lion cuddled around him. At that moment the temple of Hercules collapsed. Photius, a kinsman of Anicetas, seeing the miracles and endurance of Anicetas, kissed him, declared himself a Christian and cried out to the emperor: ” O idolator, be ashamed, your gods are nothingness!” The emperor then ordered that Anicetas immediately be beheaded. However, the executioner, raising his hand against holy Photius, struck himself with the sword and died. After prolonged tortures, both Anicetas and Photius were cast into prison where they languished for three years. Then they were brought out, a fire was lighted in an enormous furnace, and they cast them into the fire. Many other Christians, men, women, and children, willingly followed them into the fire. They all suffered about the year 305 A.D.

Catholic Calendar

St. Louis

King for 44 years, crowned at age 12; his mother ruled as regent until he reached 22. Founded monasteries, built leper hospitals, and collected relics. Married at age 19, and father of eleven. Franciscan tertiary. Led two crusades and died on one. Born on April 25, 1214, at Poissy, France. Died on Aug. 25, 1270, at Tunis, Algeria.