• Sunday, 06 October 2024

Religious calendars

Religious calendars

6 October 2024 (MIA)

Macedonian Orthodox Church Calendar

The Conception of St. John the Baptist

On this day are celebrated God’s mercy, His wondrous act and His wisdom: His mercy towards the devout and righteous parents of St John, the aged Zacharias and Elisabeth, who had all their lives begged a child of God; the wonder of the conception of John in Elisabeth’s more-than-aged womb; and the wisdom of the dispensation of man’s salvation. For John, God had an especially great plan: that he should be a prophet and the forerunner of Christ the Lord, the Saviour of the world. Through His angels, God revealed the birth of Isaac to the childless Sarah, and of Samson to the childless Manoah and his wife, and of John the Baptist to the childless Zacharias and Elisabeth. Through His angels, God revealed the birth of those for whom He had a special plan. How could children be born of aged parents? If someone is curious to find out, let him not ask men, for men do not know, nor does natural law (it being beyond natural law), but let him turn his gaze to the power of almighty God, who made the whole world from nothing and who, for the creation of Adam, the first man, used no parents, either young or old. Instead of being curious, let us thank God that He often reveals to us His power and mercy and wisdom beyond the natural law, by which we would otherwise be fettered and, without these special wonders of God, would fall into despair and forgetfulness of Him.

Catholic Calendar

St. Bruno

A priest educated in Paris where he taught theology. Criticised the worldliness he saw in his fellow clergy. Chancellor of the archdiocese. Following a vision he received of a secluded hermitage where he could spend his life becoming closer to God, he retired to a mountain in Dauphiny in 11th century and founded what became the first house of the Order of the Carthusians; he and his brothers supported themselves as manuscript copyists. Assistant to Pope Urban II. He was born in 1030 at Cologne, Germany and died in 1101 at Calabria.