• Sunday, 23 February 2025

Religious calendars

Religious calendars

19 November 2023 (MIA)

Macedonian Orthodox Church Calendar

St. Paul the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople

When the blessed Patriarch Alexander was lying on his deathbed, the lamenting faithful asked him whom he would leave to follow him as chief pastor of the flock of Christ. Then the sick Patriarch said to them: ‘If you want to have a shepherd who will teach you and whose virtues will illumine you, choose Paul; but, if you want a suitable man as a figurehead, choose Macedonius.’ The people chose Paul. This was not acceptable to the Arian heretics, nor to the Emperor Constantius, who was at that time in Antioch, and so Paul was quickly deposed and fled to Rome together with St Athanasius the Great. There, both Pope Julian and the Emperor Constans gave them a warm welcome and upheld them in their Orthodoxy. The Emperor and the Pope sent letters, which restored Paul to his episcopal throne, but, after the death of Constans, the Arians raised their heads again and drove the Orthodox Patriarch off to Cucusus in Armenia. While Paul was celebrating the Liturgy one-day in exile, he was set on by the Arians and strangled with his pallium. This was in the year 351. In the time of the Emperor Theodosius, in 381, his relics were translated to Constantinople, and, in 1236, to Venice, where they still lie.


Catholic calendar

St. Mechtilde von Hackenborn

Mistress of the convent school at Helfta. Teacher of Saint Gertrude of Helfta who wrote The Book of Special Grace about Mechtilde’s teachings. She was born in 1241 and died in 1298 at Helfta.