• Friday, 28 June 2024

Poland trade exchange extremely low, export to reach USD 150 million in 2027

Poland trade exchange extremely low, export to reach USD 150 million in 2027

Skopje, 25 September 2023 (MIA) - North Macedonia’s trade with Poland is extremely low. For now, we export a very small range of products. However, strengthened cooperation is projected to increase exports to USD 150 million by 2027, the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia said on Monday.

Chamber Executive Director Antoni Peshev said that only 15 products with a value of more than USD 1 million are exported to Poland, while the top 20 export products with the highest value have a 72-percent share in total exports.

"I always ask myself the same question, why did Macedonia and Poland wait so long to start cooperating on a higher level. The people are close, they communicate, have no issues cooperating, but throughout the years exchange has been very low and opening that market would be a great move. Initially the plan was a billion, but now we are trying to reach hundreds of millions. Only 15 products with a value bigger than USD 1 million are exported to Poland, which is unacceptable for one economy, while the top 20 exported products with the highest value have a 72-percent share in total exports. This means that North Macedonia exports a small range of products to the Polish market, and we can increase that. Our initial research says that exports in the next five years could increase between USD 50 and 100 million, which is extremely important for the Macedonian economy. Exports are expected to reach USD 150 million in 2027," Peshev said at the sidelines of the conference on ways to more intensive trade cooperation between North Macedonia and Poland.

According to him, the two countries have cooperated on basic products until now.

"We can collaborate in final products which is a very big difference, the added value in final products and products with added value have a greater impact on the economy," Peshev stressed.

Polish Ambassador Krzysztof Grzelczyk reminded that a couple of years ago, the two countries signed a memorandum of cooperation for promoting and developing international trade.

"Today's event on strengthening economic cooperation was organized as a result of that signing. I believe that besides political, trade and economic cooperation is also important. Polish people love North Macedonia, they are among the most numerous EU tourists in your country," Grzelczyk emphasized.

The conference is organized in the framework of the project supporting regional integration of private sector, implemented in partnership with USAID, the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia, in cooperation with the Polish Embassy, the Polish Investment and Trade Agency and the Lower Silesian Agency of Economic Cooperation. ssh/ik/

Photo: MIA and MIA archive