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PM-designate submits list of cabinet nominees and government programme to Parliament, session slated for Saturday

PM-designate submits list of cabinet nominees and government programme to Parliament, session slated for Saturday
Skopje, 11 January 2022 (MIA) – PM-designate Dimitar Kovachevski handed over Tuesday the list of cabinet nominees and the government programme to Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi, who has scheduled the session for election of the new Government on Saturday, January 15. The session is set to last two days, with the vote to take place by Sunday midnight at the latest. The Government is elected by majority of MP votes, i.e. 61 out of 120. Fatmir Bytyqi, Bojan Marichikj, Slavica Grkovska and Xhemail Chupi are nominated as ministers without portfolio. Slavjanka Petrovska is the nominee for Defense Minister, Nikola Tupanchevski-Justice Minister, Oliver Spasovski-Minister of Interior, Bujar Osmani-Foreign Minister, Blagoj Bochvarski-Minister of Transport and Communications, Fatmir Besimi-Finance Minister, Kreshnik Bekteshi-Economy Minister, Artan Grubi-Minister of Political System and Community Relations, Bekim Sali-Health Minister, Ljupcho Nikolovski-Minister of Agriculture, Jeton Shaqiri-Minister of Education and Science, Jovana Trenchevska-Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Admirim Aliti-Minister of Information Society and Administration, Bisera Kostadinovska-Stojchevska-Minister of Culture, Goran Milevski-Minister of Local Self-Government, Naser Nuredini-Minister of Environment and Physical Planning.