• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Parliament starts debate on draft budget, over 250 amendments submitted

Parliament starts debate on draft budget, over 250 amendments submitted
Skopje, 23 November 2022 (MIA) – The Parliament’s Finance and Budget Committee is starting on Wednesday a debate on the 2023 draft budget.   The 2023 draft budget projects economic growth of 2.9 percent. The inflation rate is expected to gradually stabilize and is projected at 7.1 percent. Total revenues in the draft budget are planned at a level of Mden 282 billion and are 14.8 percent higher compared to 2022, whereas expenditures are at a level of Mden 324.8 billion, i.e. 12.6 percent higher compared to 2022. The budget deficit is at a level of 4.6 percent of the planned GDP.     The draft budget was prepared in accordance with the new Law on Budget, and it provides for maintaining economic growth, regularly performing all obligations of the state and supporting the country’s European integration processes.   Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi told MIA on Tuesday he expects great interest in the discussion, pointing out that inclusiveness is always welcome in order to face arguments “in favor” and “against” and choose what’s best.     Also, 263 amendments have been submitted to the draft budget from all political parties, of which around 200 are from VMRO-DPMNE. Chair of the Finance and Budget Committee, Bojan Stojanoski, said Tuesday that interest is particularly high and he expects a fruitful discussion.   The two largest trade unions in the country – the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia and the Confederation of Free Trade Unions called on the MPs to propose and vote on improving labor standard. They expressed concern that insignificant funds have been provided for pay rise of employees in the public sector, and almost no funds have been provided for the payment of benefits and wage supplements established by law and collective agreements.