• Friday, 25 October 2024

Parliament elects Miloshoski, Mitreski and Bendevska as vice-speakers

Parliament elects Miloshoski, Mitreski and Bendevska as vice-speakers

Skopje, 14 June 2024 (MIA) – At its session on Friday, the Parliament unanimously elected MPs Antonio Miloshoski from VMRO-DPMNE, Jovan Mitreski from SDSM and Vesna Bendevska from the ZNAM Movement as vice-speakers, after they were endorsed as candidates by the Committee on Election and Appointment Issues earlier today. 

Sixty-nine MPs voted for Miloshoski, 82 for Mitreski and 70 for Bendevska. 

The newly elected vice-speakers then gave a solemn statement. Miloshoski, who was absent today due to health reasons, will give a solemn statement at the next session. 

The Parliament also adopted the draft-decision on amending the Decision on the election of chairs, deputy chairs and members and deputy members of Parliament’s committees.  

Photo: print screen