• Monday, 01 July 2024

Nuredini: Cooperation between local and central government to solve waste issues

Nuredini: Cooperation between local and central government to solve waste issues
Gostivar, 1 November 2022 (MIA) – Cooperation between local and central government will contribute to a permanent solution to the waste issues in the territory of the entire country, said Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Naser Nuredini following his visit to the Rusino landfill in Gostivar on Tuesday. The Minister, accompanied by mayors from the Polog region and the Swiss Ambassador, was briefed on the operations of the newly established inter-municipal enterprise “Rusino-Polog”. Nuredini expressed his satisfaction with the work done and the cooperation with Switzerland on establishment of the enterprise, and indicated that intensive work should be done on the second phase. “This is the direction that we are working towards on organized waste collection and management in the territory of the entire country. To that end, we have prepared a draft-law that will provide a loan, which is, unfortunately, still in parliamentary procedure after five months. Solving the waste management issue requires support from the highest government bodies. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) loan also contributes to that end, and will help us finalize the entire process of establishing the waste management system for all regions, including Polog,” said Nuredini. Swiss Ambassador Veronique Hulmann noted that through an altered management method, there has been a transformation in the Rusino landfill and she expressed satisfaction with the work done. She pointed out that the functioning of PE Rusino is of key importance and urged all of the Polog region municipalities and public enterprises that transport waste to fulfill their financial obligations. “The sustainability of the regional public enterprise is key for the management of the Rusino landfill. Since the Swiss support ends this year, it is of great importance that the public enterprise continues to operate and manage the landfill efficiently on its own,” said Ambassador Hulmann. Switzerland has been supporting the improvement of waste management services in the Polog region since 2018. As a result of the financial support worth 1.9 million Swiss francs, a regional waste management plan was drafted, the regional public enterprise was established and quick-effect measures were implemented for the Rusino landfill. Head of PE Rusino Polog Besim Dogani said that the financial operations are a threat that may contribute to a halt in the operations of the enterprise. He said that the municipalities and the utility companies owe almost seven million denars, most of which are owed by Gostivar and Tetovo. “If these debts are not paid soon, the landfill will return to its previous state. We have obligations to the operators and they are doing a good job for now, but if they are not paid, they will not work,” said Dogani. Mayors of Tetovo and Gostivar, Bilal Kasami and Arben Taravari respectively, said that Tetovo lacks the necessary funds while Gostivar has a blocked account and they will repay their debts soon. ad/ik/