• Tuesday, 02 July 2024

Minister Spasovski: High-level corruption the biggest challenge for institutions

Minister Spasovski: High-level corruption the biggest challenge for institutions
Skopje, 12 April 2022 (MIA) – The Interior Ministry (MoI) has always acted in line with prosecution orders regardless of who might be involved, Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski said commenting on the detention of former governments secretary general Muhamed Zeqiri, who is charged with abuse of office. High-level corruption is the biggest problem the country is facing, Spasovski told Telma TV in an interview. “It is devastating for any society when office holders who should be serving the citizens are involved or suspected of being involved in corrupt acts,” he said adding that law enforcement bodies, including prosecution offices, the MoI and Finance Police, have strengthened efforts to eradicate corruption. Citing figures, Spasovski said that 177 corruption cases were discovered in 2020 and 114 in 2021. “Monetary damage is estimated at 97.3 million in 2021. This suggests that a lot needs to be done by the institutions and to raise public awareness about the importance of reporting corruption because it cannot become a lifestyle for some,” Minister Spasovski said.