• Sunday, 19 January 2025

Mickoski: We need depolitized administration in which expertise and dedication play key role

Mickoski: We need depolitized administration in which expertise and dedication play key role

Skopje, 27 November 2024 (MIA) – Our vision is clear, we want a public administration that serves as an example for efficiency, transparency and accountability, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said Wednesday in a speech opening the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) Annual Ministerial Conference, themed “Next-Gen Governance: Driving Public Service Innovation in the Western Balkans.”

“Public administration will not only be a service of the citizens, but also a partner in building future measures and steps. We’re talking about an important subject that over the years hasn’t been sufficiently the focus of a thorough analysis or a professional approach – administration and measures that should be taken to improve service quality and also innovations, considered a key challenge in this context,” said Mickoski.

This is the topic, he stressed, that not only defines the quality of services for the citizens, but it also shapes the face of the country. 

“Recently, we’ve all witnessed the challenges facing administration. Slow processes, lack of digitization, insufficient transparency at times. There is also partisation, which is an open problem, alongside lack of competitiveness in relation to the private sector. We cannot ignore these issues – they are real and solutions must be found,” stated the PM. 

Referring to the importance of reforms, Mickoski said that digitization of services will ensure that as many services are available online.

He also talked about efficiency and professionalism, transparency and accountability, reducing red tape, etc.

“I champion depolitized administration, in which expertise and dedication will be key values. We’ll strengthen surveillance and accountability mechanisms. Every citizen has the right to know where taxpayers’ money is spent. Administration should be a partner, not an obstacle to citizens and businesses. We’re working to facilitate procedures and reduce red tape. A reward system is needed to motivate civil servants to work hard,” PM Mickoski said. 

Reforms, according to him, are needed not only to improve services but also to restore trust. 

Photo: MIA