• Thursday, 04 July 2024

MIA Announcements - North Macedonia

MIA Announcements - North Macedonia

4 July 2024 

Skopje - President of the country and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Gordana Siljanovska Davkova to visit the General Staff of the Army and the Ministry of Defense.  

Skopje – Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi to hold farewell meeting with the outgoing Ambassador of The Netherlands, Dirk Jan Kop.

Skopje – Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi to meet with Croatian Ambassador Nives Tiganj. 

Skopje – Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi to hold farewell meeting with the outgoing Ambassador of the People's Republic of China, Zhang Zuo. 

Skopje - Parliament's Committee on Election and Appointment Issues to hold session. 

Gevgelija - Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski to visit the municipality of Gevgelija and attend opening of a new boulevard leading to the Bogorodica border crossing. (location https://www.google.com/maps/place/41%C2%B008'31.9%22N+22%C2%B031'57.3%22E/@41.142206,22.532581,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d41.142206!4d22.532581?entry=ttu/)

- Prime Minister Mickoski to attend launch of rehabilitation works of "Partizan" sports hall.

Skopje - Minister of Economy and Labor Besar Durmishi to hold a press conference. 

Skopje – Organizers of the 45th International Cinematographers' Film Festival Manaki Brothers to hold a press conference.

Skopje – National Gallery's Chifte Hammam to host book launch for Macedonian translation of Gerald Raunig's latest books "Dividuum" (2016) and "Dissemblage" (2022), as part of the CRIC Festival for Critical Culture.

Sofia – Cultural and Information Center of the Republic of North Macedonia in Sofia to host launch of book by Macedonian author Zhivko Grozdanoski. 

Skopje – National Opera and Ballet to host Ana Petanovska's concert performance 'The Best of Koprov' as part of the Skopje Summer festival.