• Saturday, 28 September 2024

MIA Announcements - North Macedonia

MIA Announcements - North Macedonia

2 September 2024

Skopje - Minister of Education and Science Vesna Janevska to visit elementary school "Stiv Naumov" in Gazi Baba municipality on first school day.

Skopje - Dutch Ambassador Özlem Canel to meet Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi.

Skopje - Parliament Committee on Political System and Community Relations to hold session.

Skopje - European Trade Union Confederation secretary-general Esther Lynch to meet Federation of Trade Unions (SSM) president Slobodan Trendafilov.

Skopje - Centar Mayor Goran Gerasimovski and SDSM leader Venko Filipche to attend opening of new classrooms in elementary school "Kole Nedelkovski".

Tetovo - Tetovo Mayor Bilal Kasami to visit elementary school "Lirija" on first school day.

Bitola - Independent Union of Education and Science to hold press conference.