Meeting of Public-Private Dialogue Platform: Transparent approach and joint action for common solutions
- A meeting of the Public-Private Dialogue Platform (PPDP) focused on the requests and challenges of the economic chambers was held Friday in the Government, led by Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs, coordination of economic sectors and investments, Fatmir Bytyqi.
- Post By Ivan Kolekevski
- 17:11, 31 March, 2023

Skopje, 31 March 2023 (MIA) – A meeting of the Public-Private Dialogue Platform (PPDP) focused on the requests and challenges of the economic chambers was held Friday in the Government, led by Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs, coordination of economic sectors and investments, Fatmir Bytyqi.
“The meeting of the Economic Chambers with the representatives of the state institutions, which apart from Deputy PM Bytyqi, was also attended by Deputy Minister of Finance Filip Nikolovski, Public Revenue Office director Sanja Lukarevska, Customs Administration director Slavica Kutirov, and Ministry of Economy State Secretary Razmena Chekic-Durovic, focused on the Economic Chambers’ request to change the Law on Holidays in order to scrap some of the non-working days,” said the Government in a press release.

The parties at the meeting concluded that the Law on Holidays was adopted following broad consultations with all affected parties, and a broader and comprehensive debate would have to be held on any changes or supplements since the law regulates issues related to history and religion.
Other topics were also discussed at Friday’s meeting, including challenges faced by the Macedonian software companies that are working predominantly in the domestic market, the Law on Trade, future government plans and measures regarding price caps, facilitating access to workforce from abroad, simplifying administrative barriers for employing foreign workers etc.
Deputy PM Bytyqi told representatives of the economic chambers that are a part of the PPDP to see the Government as a partner for joint tackling of the issues, and that all important economic topics will be openly discussed because only through a transparent approach and joint action will they be able to find a solution for their requests. ad/ik/
Photo: Government of RNM