• Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Marichikj – Hahn: EU working to create a favourable environment for its enlargement by 2030

Marichikj – Hahn: EU working to create a favourable environment for its enlargement by 2030

Brussels, 25 October 2023 (MIA) - The European Union is working on parallel reforms in the institutions, budget and decision-making processes, with the aim of creating a favourable environment for its enlargement by 2030, said Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj after the meeting with European Commissioner for Budget and Administration, Johannes Hahn, in Brussels on Wednesday.

“We need to ensure continuity in the implementation of reforms that will give essential results for speeding up the accession process,” Marichikj posted on Facebook after the meeting.

According to MIA’s Brussels correspondent, during the meeting, Hahn expressed encouragement and support for the country to continue with the current negotiation process, because positive changes and the EU growth plan for the countries in the region are to follow.

“By being ready to accept new member states by 2030, the EU is restoring its credibility and for us it is a driving force for successful reforms and democratic progress,” Marichikj said.

Earlier on Wednesday, Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj also met with European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi in Brussels, discussing the current political developments in the country, the state of play of the screening process, as well as expectations ahead of the 2023 Progress Report.  

 Актуелните политички настани во земјава, текот на скрининг процесот и очекувањата пред објавувањето на Извештајот за напредокот за 2023 година, беа главни теми на денешната средба во Брисел н

"North Macedonia has a place in the EU, now is the time to speed up the accession process. With the new plan for accelerated EU integration of the Western Balkans, the message is clear that the region must prepare faster for membership in the EU, and essentially move towards full integration into the Union with concrete steps," Marichikj said after the meeting.

Marichikj underlined that EU membership remains a key foreign policy priority for the Government, adding that all efforts are being made to ensure that the country remains in the negotiation process and moves forward alongside other countries in the region.

The European Union is ready to further promote the negotiations process with North Macedonia and the region in the coming period, which will lead to clear and visible results in the efforts of getting closer to the EU, said Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European affairs, Bojan Marichikj, and the Director General at the Directorate General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), Gert Jan Koopman, at a meeting Wednesday.

Европската Унија е подготвена дополнително да го унапреди преговарачкиот процес со Северна Македонија и регионот во наредниот период, што ќе даде јасни и видливи резултати во приближувањето к

“The EU is ready to accelerate the negotiations, but reforms remain crucial for the progress towards full-fledged membership. It is important for us to know that we have partners who want to see North Macedonia in the EU and who believe that we are ready to make the next step for the good of the country and the citizens,” wrote Marichikj in a Facebook post after the meeting.

The Deputy PM, who arrived in Brussels on Tuesday to take part in the Global Gateway Forum organized by the European Commission, also met with Deputy Managing Director for the Western Balkans at the European External Action Service (EEAS), Marko Makovec, as well as with Simon Mordue, the Chief Foreign Policy Advisor to the President of the European Council Charles Michel.

Marichikj will also hold a briefing with the working group of the Working Party on Enlargement and Countries Negotiating Accession to the EU (COELA), and a working meeting with Acting Director for the Western Balkans at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations, Michela Matuella, to discuss the screening process and the preparation of strategic documents - Roadmaps for opening Cluster 1 - Fundamentals.

Photo: Facebook