Laws on corridors linked to EU, says government
- The Government's Secretariat for European Affairs has received a letter from the EU requiring a written explanation on the Bechtel-Enka project, its justification and implementation, the Government told a press briefing on Monday when quizzed about the use of the EU flag (fast-track procedure) regarding the law amendments linked to the construction of the motorways alongside Corridors VIII and Xd.
- Post By Ivan Kolekevski
- 14:28, 15 May, 2023

Skopje, 15 May 2023 (MIA) - The Government's Secretariat for European Affairs has received a letter from the EU requiring a written explanation on the Bechtel-Enka project, its justification and implementation, the Government told a press briefing on Monday when quizzed about the use of the EU flag (fast-track procedure) regarding the law changes linked to the construction of the motorways alongside Corridors VIII and Xd.
The Government said the same justification is used both at home and abroad, namely that the project is implemented through a special law, under conditions that should result in a swift and efficient construction of the motorways at a lower price, rather than in accordance with existing legislation that would prolong the works and increase the amount spent.
"The explanation is put in the law as well. First, the political justification for усинг the EU flag is seen in the incorporation of Corridor VIII in the trans-European networks, and the objective of this move is to speed up construction of the road infrastructure in line with the Transport cluster that calls for infrastructure improvements. This is not a precedent and it is not the first time the EU flag is used," heard the briefing.
Minister of Transport and Communications Blagoj Bochvarski will sign the annex to the EU agreement that will make Corridor VIII part of the network of main corridors in the region and EU in Montenegro on Tuesday, which is one of the Government's arguments over the use of the EU flag for the legislative changes.
The Government reiterates that the changes to the five laws have been EU-flagged because of their filibustering by the opposition, "where VMRO-DPMNE is hiding behind Levica's amendments."
Photo: MIA archive