• Saturday, 05 October 2024

'Kraj Vardarot Jazz' festival kicks off

'Kraj Vardarot Jazz' festival kicks off

Skopje, 18 May 2023 (MIA) - The fourth edition of the "Kraj Vardarot Jazz" festival, co-organized by record label "PMG Jazz", opens on Thursday. The three festival evenings will take place on the small stage in the Macedonian Philharmonic and in the Youth Cultural Center (MKC).


The festival is part of Festival Exchange program (FEX) of the European project "MOST" for the development of the music scene in the Balkans, and cooperates with one of the most relevant music promoters in the country - "Audiokultura".


The festival will open with a performance by Damir Imeri Trio, trombone player and multi- instrumentalist, a man who spent the first ten years of his career at the Macedonian Radio Television (MRT), where he collaborated with artists such as Dragan Gjakonovski-Shpato, Aleksandar Dzhambazov, Ilija Pejovski. The trio also includes Adi Imeri and Aleksandar Vanchovski.


Perforto from Poland, who will perform on Thursday, together with Ola Rzepka - piano and Lukasz Marciniak - electric guitar. Perforto's performance at the festival is supported by the European project "MOST" with the festival exchange program, and realized in cooperation with Katowice JazzArt Festival in Poland.


Perforto are a string duo of electric guitar and piano, and they also use instruments made of wood, metal, paper and other materials. While improvising they research physical characteristics of sound, such as pitch, timbre, intensity and its consequences in a timeline. Intense, delicate, penetrating, and radical musical experience.


On the next day, Friday, May 19, the latest vinyl edition of PMGJazz, the "Kraj Vardarot Jazz Vol.2" compilation, will be promoted. From 9:00pm two concerts will be held at the Frosina Cinema, one by Bukurshliev/ Tomevski and the other by Kondovski/Drobicki.


"Collaborating for many years as composers and performers in many jazz ensembles, Filip Bukrshliev and Bjagojche Tomevski have successfully developed a telepathic skill for musical communication, blessed with an unusual sound palette, formed from the instruments used: bass clarinet and guitar. At the event, they will promote material from the "Something Lonely in the Bone" (PMGJazz, 2023) album. The Kondovski/Drobicki performance is a logical progression of their frequent collaboration that have resulted in several PMGJazz releases. Vladan Drobicki- trombone, is one of the leading jazz musicians in North Macedonia, while Gligor Kondovski- violin, electronics, draws an esoteric figure between classical, experimental jazz, photography and film," said PMG Jazz.


On Saturday, "Larta" a project duo comprising the drummer Dino Milosavlevic, who last year put out his first independent album "Frament" for PMGJazz, will perform in collaboration with long-time friends Gjoko Maksimovski- bass, Vasko Bojadziski- saxophone, and Vladan Drobitski- trombone.


The festival will be concluded by Croatian quartet Chui, which aims to unite contemporary dance club music with electronics and rock'n'roll. After 11:00pm a party is planned with PMGJazz's DJ set by Mirko Popov at the Frosina Cinema for the closing of the festival.ssh/nn/