• Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Kovachevski: Opposition to submit its proposals to Constitutional Affairs Commission

Kovachevski: Opposition to submit its proposals to Constitutional Affairs Commission

Skopje, 19 April 2023 (MIA) – The opposition is free to submit its proposals to the Constitutional Affairs Commission that will be established at the Ministry of Justice, and they will be discussed there, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Wednesday in answer to a journalist’s question over the proposal of constitutional law professor Aleksandar Spasenovski to change the national coat of arms.


The PM stressed that North Macedonia is a NATO member, despite the lack of support from the opposition, and, he said, soon the country will also be an EU member state.


“They are free to deliver their proposals to the Constitutional Affairs Commission which will be established at the Ministry of Justice, and they will be discussed there, since we can see that the opposition changes its positions daily. Is our NATO membership legitimate? It is, despite the lack of support from the opposition. We will also become an EU member state, and I hope that the opposition will support something for once. They didn’t even support the Frontex Agreement whose implementation begins tomorrow, and which for the first time lists the Macedonian language next to all other EU languages,” said Kovachevski.


Asked about Bulgaria, Kovachevski said that they will discuss developments on a political level once the Bulgarian parties form a political government.


“Negotiations are underway in Bulgaria, so they can finally form a political government. I wish them success. Once they form a political government, then we will be able to discuss the issues on a political level and comment on developments. We have a clear negotiating framework which clearly states the tasks we need to fulfill in order to continue the negotiations and the implementation of the process that will make us an EU member state by 2030,” added Kovachevski.


In an interview with TV Sitel on Tuesday, constitutional law Professor Aleksandar Spasenovski proposed changing the current national coat of arms to the one proposed by VMRO-DPMNE in 2015, as a way to reach a compromise with the opposition over the constitutional amendments adding the Bulgarians to the Constitution.


Photo: Printscreen