Kovachevski: Leaders' meeting can be held at any time if there are new developments in terms of continuing European integration
- Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Thursday it is extremely important for the country to continue its European integration from an economic point of view and from the point of view of geostrategic positioning. He believes that the country represents Western values and should valorize this with membership in the European Union, primarily for the sake of the citizens.

Skopje, 31 August 2023 (MIA) – Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Thursday it is extremely important for the country to continue its European integration from an economic point of view and from the point of view of geostrategic positioning. He believes that the country represents Western values and should valorize this with membership in the European Union, primarily for the sake of the citizens.
"That is why talks will continue at all levels in order to ensure support for this extremely important process.
"A leaders' meeting can be held at any time if there are new developments in terms of continuing European integration, to discuss arguments. MPs have direct communication in the Parliament anyway. We do not seek support for the Government and I do not need support from the opposition for me personally. The opposition is there not to support the Prime Minister and not to support the Government, but it has responsibility to support the vision, goal and strategy of the citizens of the country, which direction it will move towards," Kovachevski told reporters at Thursday's opening of a new kindergarten in Karposh Municipality, whose construction is financially supported by the World Bank.
He pointed out that VMRO-DPMNE has so far not supported any strategic decision of the state so far, adding that now is the right time when they should be encouraged to support a strategic decision that "will ensure a better future for the citizens".
According to Kovachevski, the last leaders' meeting has been successful, but VMRO-DPMNE has failed to confirmed what had been publicly stated at the press conference after the meeting, while SDSM, DUI and other parties in the ruling coalition have taken decisions to confirm precisely what has been said at the leaders' meeting.
He pointed out that the European Commission welcomes the beginning of the process for constitutional changes in the country.
"As regards the constitutional amendments, there are no comments in terms of the content of the amendments, because they do not interfere with any identity issue of the Macedonian people. On the contrary, they strengthen the multi-ethnic character of the state. For the first time, they make a clear distinction between the Macedonian people and other peoples, including the Bulgarian people, which has so far not been done often not by our will, but by the will of our neighbors," said Kovachevski.
Photo: MIA