• Sunday, 29 September 2024

Kovachevski: Doors open for all parties that want to join European coalition

Kovachevski: Doors open for all parties that want to join European coalition

Skopje, 25 January 2023 (MIA) – A political coalition shares the same values and does not function on the basis of persuading but values and programmes. Doors are open for political parties that want to join our European coalition, as stated by other leaders as well. It is not about persuading someone but discussing on the grounds of principles and values, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Wednesday.

“I hold regular meetings with all coalition partners. I had one with the parliamentary parties a couple of days ago and I will also meet those not represented in Parliament, which are part of our coalition, in the coming days. We discussed achievements in 2022, plans for 2023 but also principles of having new partners in the Government. If there are such political parties that want to join this European coalition based on those principles and values, the doors are open,” PM Kovachevski told reporters in Shtip.

On the constitutional changes, he reiterated they are one of the decisions that the country must make on the path to full-fledged EU membership.

The PM added it is an obligation of all MPs to support, not hinder the country’s EU path, adding this is not a one-day or repetitive process.

“The EU accession process is a process that is implemented once. You can join the EU only once. This is not a process of one person or one political party, or one government. It is a broad social and political process that requires consensus,” said Kovachevski.