• Saturday, 28 September 2024

Kovachevski and Despotovski to present first foreign investment in 2024

Kovachevski and Despotovski to present first foreign investment in 2024

Skopje, 3 January 2024 (MIA) - Free Zones Authority director Jovan Despotovski and Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski are presenting on Wednesday the first foreign investment in 2024.


Representatives of the investor company will also attend the press briefing on the occassion set to take place at the Directorate for Technological-Industrial Development Zones (TIDZ).


Despotovski told MIA on Tuesday that the company is from an attractive technology destination in Southeast Asia. The facility will be located in the economic zone Skopje 1, and by the end of the investment period it includes over EUR 15 million per year for wages alone. 


"The investment opens a completely new chapter in terms of the type and quality of investments, especially in terms of high wages and hiring young people with top qualifications. The company has representative offices in several countries worldwide and already employs young people from the country, but with the agreement that has been reached, the number will increase twentyfold," said Despotovski.


Photo: MIA archive