• Saturday, 22 February 2025

IPIS poll: Mickoski most popular politician, citizens expect new government to be better than previous one

IPIS poll: Mickoski most popular politician, citizens expect new government to be better than previous one

Skopje, 26 June 2024 (MIA) - Citizens in the country trust Hristijan Mickoski the most, more than half expect the new government to be better than the previous one, a third have a positive opinion about the new government's composition, and if elections were to be held, VMRO-DPMNE would win the largest number of votes, shows a poll of the Institute for Political Research (IPIS) conducted by telephone June 18-21, 2024, among a random sample of 1,089 adults.

On the question 'which politician you trust most', 27.8 percent of the respondents said Hristijan Mickoski, 8.4 percent said Ali Ahmeti, 4.8 percent said Maksim Dimitrievski, 3.3 percent said Dimitar Apasiev, 2.5 percent said Stevo Pendarovski, 2.3 percent said Branko Crvenkovski, 2.2 percent each said Bilal Kasami and Izet Mexhiti, 1.8 percent each said Afrim Gashi, Arben Taravari and Dimitar Kovachevski, 1.7 percent said Zoran Zaev, and 0.9 percent said Nikola Gruevski.  

Also, 25.9 percent of the respondents said they don't trust any politician. 

On the new ruling structure of VMRO-DPMNE and 'Worth It', 55.8 percent of the respondents believe it will be better than the previous one of SDSM and DUI, 11.1 percent have the opposite opinion, 21.9 percent believe it will be the same, and 11.2 percent said they don't know or don't have an answer. 

The new government composition led by Prime Minister Mickoski is evaluated positively by 33.2 percent of the respondents, somewhat positively by 20.8 percent, somewhat negatively by 8.9 percent, negatively by 15.1 percent, and 21.9 percent said they don't know or don't have an answer. 

If parliamentary elections were to be held next week, 28.0 percent of the respondents said they would vote for VMRO-DPMNE, 10.1 percent for SDSM, 8.9 percent for DUI, 7.8 percent for 'Worth It', 4.7 percent for Levica, and 3.1 percent for the ZNAM Movement. 

In addition, 13.0 percent of the respondents said they would vote for none of the parties, 15.5 percent refused to say which party they would vote for, 8.6 percent said they don't know, whereas 0.3 percent of the respondents said they would vote for a different party than those listed.  

The research was conducted among a random sample stratified in order to preserve the representativeness of the population. The IPIS points out that it observes the demographic specifics of the population including gender structure, age groups, level of education and ethnicity, with an appropriate sampling of the respondents according to the place of residence and election district, with Skopje as a separate district due to its specificities.

The poll has been conducted for the needs of the IPIS in order to analyse the ratings of the parties. It was financed from IPIS funds.

Photo: IPIS