• Sunday, 29 September 2024

Important to see Russian de-escalation in action, Petrovska tells MIA

Important to see Russian de-escalation in action, Petrovska tells MIA
Brussels, 17 February 2022 (MIA) – Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska welcomes the diplomatic efforts to solve the Russia-Ukraine crisis while adding that de-escalation must be seen in action. “From a political viewpoint, we welcome the statements by the Russian Federation over a troop pullout, which is a step towards de-escalation of the situation. However, it is important to see this pullout in action. The information obtained through the official NATO channels and the intelligence community is that such activities are not visible in the field, the words are not reflected in action. We are closely monitoring developments,” says Minister Petrovska in an interview with MIA. She adds that the security situation in Europe cannot be labeled as relaxed, with the continent facing various risks, but insists on the importance of solidarity and security provided by the NATO membership.