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Human Development Index: N. Macedonia worst at PISA tests and media literacy in the region

Human Development Index: N. Macedonia worst at PISA tests and media literacy in the region
Skopje, 7 November 2022 (MIA) – In 2021, the value of the Human Development Index started to drop on a global level. North Macedonia is fifth worldwide in terms of Covid-19 mortality rates, while the pandemic shock disproportionately burdens women. The country also has the worst PISA test results in the region, accompanied by the lowest score in the Media Literacy Index out of all countries in Europe. This was noted at Monday's presentation of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Human Development Report 2021-2022. The report titled “Uncertain Times, Uncertain Lives, Shaping our Future in a Changing World” was created by the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” – Skopje (IDSCS). According to the head of the Institute, Marko Troshanovski, if examined from the perspective of Southeastern Europe, North Macedonia is seemingly lagging behind the countries of the region, although the statistical differences are not very large. More specifically, he said, both the longitudinal and the values of the HDI 2021/22 indicate that North Macedonia is behind all other countries from the former Yugoslavia, as well as Bulgaria, Greece and Albania. “Five countries from Southeastern Europe are in the group of countries with very high HDI – Slovenia, Greece, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia, four in the group of countries with high HDI – Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia. The positive aspect is that the increase in the HDI growth percentage during the two decades (2000-2010 and 2010-2021) is among the highest in the region,” said Troshanovski. He pointed out that due to a series of crises, the HDI has been declining for two years in a row at a global level, even before the emergence of Covid-19. What is more frightening, according to Troshanovski, is that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused greater democratic backsliding in numerous countries in the world. The region of Southeast Europe was no exception to this rule. “North Macedonia has the worst results in OECD’s PISA tests in the region, accompanied by the lowest score in the Media Literacy Index, out of all countries in Europe. Although North Macedonia has had a slight improvement in the last year, the widespread perception of corruption contributes to poor governance and the possibility for democratic backsliding,” added Troshanovski. Troshanovski said that North Macedonia has a very weak defence system against democratic threats and hazards, with a population that is generally not sufficiently informed to recognize the very sources of such threats and hazards. Data of the International Republican Institute (2021) indicate that at the end of 2021 there is widespread pessimism in the country on the future economic situation, negative perception on the rule of law and lack of trust, especially towards political parties. In regard to gender relations, studies show that Covid-19 shock is likely to place a disproportionate burden on women mostly as a consequence of dramatic changes in (un)employment, childcare restrictions, and general perception on gender norms. Speaking at the report's presentation, President Stevo Pendarovski said yet another worrying tendency is noted – inequality. The poor, he noted, pay the highest price being the most vulnerable group in times of crisis. “The UNDP index points out the most critical points we need to focus on to make up for the years lost and to achieve higher development level. To meet the goal of higher human development for all Macedonian citizens, we need to do three things – firstly to face reality; secondly to find solutions and thirdly, we need political will in order to make the necessary changes,” said Pendarovski. The HDI is an index used to indicate fundamental achievements in human development globally, and country by country. It displays the level of progress in achieving a desired human standard of living in vital areas such as education, longevity of human life and economic development. ad/ba/