• Tuesday, 02 July 2024

Hit by storm Elias, Greece deals with more flooding

Hit by storm Elias, Greece deals with more flooding

Athens, 28 September 2023 (dpa/MIA) - Due to storm Elias, Greece was hit by heavy rain again which caused flooding, power cuts and closed-off roads on Wednesday.


On the island of Euboea, red dirt was flushed into the sea near the north-western village of Limni, which made the water take on a glowing red appearance, according to images aired in Greek media.


The streets of the north-eastern village of Mantoudi were flooded to waist level, forcing people to seek refuge on the upper floors of their homes.


The central Greek city of Larisa and the region of the Pelion mountain were also hit by the storm.


The situation in the region is still tense from the last storm, Daniel, at the beginning of this month.


As a precaution, the village of Sotirio near Larisa was evacuated on Wednesday afternoon.


The port city of Volos also experienced flooded streets and power cuts again.


Storm Daniel had resulted in damage in large parts of the central Greek region of Thessaly and claimed at least 15 people's lives.


Clear-up efforts from Daniel are still ongoing.


Entire areas were without electricity and drinking water for a week or more.


In addition, there was a temporary threat of epidemics due to thousands of dead livestock.