• Thursday, 23 January 2025

Government and unions to meet again over public sector wages

Government and unions to meet again over public sector wages

Skopje, 10 July 2023 (MIA) - Government and trade unions are set to meet again on Monday in an attempt to reach a mutually acceptable solution on the increase and methodology on the rise of public sector wages.

Both sides expressed optimism after the most recent meeting, with Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi telling MIA in a weekend interview that agreement is within reach.

“I think there is a decent atmosphere, mutual trust and a desire for solution. We just have a few details left to iron out and if we continue at this intensity, it is only a matter of days when we will conclude the issue with the unions in the interest of all citizens,” said Besimi, adding that he is a rational optimist.

Министерот за финансии Фатмир Бесими во видео интервјуто за МИА вели дека според климата и интензитетот на разговори со синдикатите, се блиску до постигнување на договор.   - Мислам дека има

The Finance Minister said it is acceptable to introduce a coefficient as a new model, and that it would be linked with the average gross wage in March 2025. Until then, there would be a transition period during which wages would grow. The dynamic of growth, he said, will need to be agreed with the unions.

Following last week's meeting, unions also voiced optimism and said there has been progress in the negotiations.

Изјави по седницата на Економско социјалниот совет, кој одржа нова седница за методологијата за платите во јавниот сектор.

They expect a double-digit wage increase as of September and a launch of the new methodology for the wage rise as of March 2025.

"In 2022, the inflation stood at 14.2 percent, the minimum wage increased by 12.55 percent while the average wage rose by 10.9 percent. As representatives of the workers, we believe this should be the starting point in building in a relationship of trust, through the signing of the General Collective Agreement," said Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) president Slobodan Trendafilov.

Photo: MIA