• Saturday, 22 February 2025

Five persons charged in double murder case: MoI

Five persons charged in double murder case: MoI

Skopje, 5 December 2023 (MIA) - Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski said late Tuesday that five persons have been charged in the murder of Vanja Gjorchevska, 14, and Panche Zhezhovski, 74.

"One is charged with abduction and murder, three are charged with abduction and accessory to murder, whereas one for accessory to abduction," said Minister Spasovski.

Денот на полицијата претставува симбол на пожртвуваноста, одговорноста, храброста, моралот – карактеристики што треба да ги развива секој поединец кој положил заклетва пред сината униформа, п

The criminal charges have been handed over to the Public Prosecutor's Office.

Ljupcho Palevski-Palcho, founder of political party Desna, is the prime suspect, along with party members Velibor Manev, Vlatko Keshishov and Bore Videvski, whereas Vanja's father Aleksandar Gjorchevski is suspected of sharing information with them over his daughter's morning routine.

Photo: MIA