• Tuesday, 01 October 2024

Enlargement remains a merits-based process, North Macedonia to accelerate completion of constitutional changes, Pisonero tells MIA

Enlargement remains a merits-based process, North Macedonia to accelerate completion of constitutional changes, Pisonero tells MIA

Brussels, 21 December 2023 (MIA) - Aspiring EU members are ready to work even harder on key reforms to join our Union. We want to be clear that enlargement remains a merits-based process, which requires investment and commitment to adopting essential reforms, including on the rule of law, European Commission spokesperson Ana Pisonero has told MIA.

Pisonero says there is now a momentum on EU enlargement, noting that the European Commission encourages all parties to work together to move the country forward on its EU accession path.

"The European Council Conclusions are clear: The European Union is ready to complete the opening phase of the accession negotiations with North Macedonia as soon as it has implemented its commitment to complete the constitutional changes as referred to in the Council Conclusions of 18th July 2022, in line with its internal procedures. The European Council calls on North Macedonia to accelerate the completion of these," says Pisonero when asked by MIA if other solutions are possible, including a change of the Negotiating Framework, if a parliamentary majority is not secured for the constitutional amendments.

She adds that the Commission presented its proposal for a new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans on November 8.

"Its aim is to bring some of the benefits of EU membership to the region before accession, enhancing economic integration into the EU Single Market, boosting economic integration with the Western Balkans through the Common Regional Market, accelerating fundamental reforms and increasing financial assistance to support the reforms through a Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans. The Regulation establishing the Reform and Growth Facility is currently being examined by the European Parliament and the Council and the co-legislator need to agree on a common position," notes Pisonero.

According to her, the work with the six Western Balkans partners on the preparation of the Reform Agendas foreseen by the Growth Plan and the Facility is advancing.

"In November and December high-level bilateral meetings already took place and the Western Balkan partners have started identifying, in consultation with the Commission, the key reform priorities to unlock economic growth and accelerate socio-economic convergence with the EU. The Commission hopes to see funding becoming available as soon as possible in the course of 2024," says Pisonero.

Regarding the EU citizens' support for the enlargement process, the EC spokesperson says the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) stated in its recent policy brief that according to the most recent Eurobarometer from June 2023, 53 percent of EU citizens support enlargement in principle, while 37 percent are against it, and although the figures in favour may not be overwhelming, they signal the reversal of a longstanding trend.

"It is important to continue the dialogue with EU citizens to explain what enlargement is about. The EU’s enlargement policy, which has gained momentum, is more than ever a geostrategic investment in long-term peace, stability and security of the whole of our continent," Pisonero tells MIA.