• Sunday, 23 February 2025

ELECTIONS 2024: 38,396 signatures collected in support of potential presidential candidates, SEC says

ELECTIONS 2024: 38,396 signatures collected in support of potential presidential candidates, SEC says

Skopje, 27 February 2024 (MIA) — As of Feb. 26 at 8 pm, 38,396 citizens have signed petitions in support of potential candidates' bids to run for President but only DUI's Bujar Osmani has so far collected the minimum of 10,000 citizens' signatures necessary to run in the presidential race, according to the latest figures released by the State Election Commission.


Osmani received the support of 10,528 citizens. Next down the list is ZNAM Movement leader Maksim Dimitrievski with 8,400 supporters, followed by Worth It opposition bloc candidate Arben Taravari with 7,513 supporters.



Levica-nominated Biljana Vankovska Cvetkovska has collected 6,237 signatures and GROM candidate Stevcho Jakimovski has collected 4,718 signatures so far.

Bosniak Democratic Alliance's Mersiha Smailovikj has 696 signatures in support of her presidential bid, Velo Markovski has 682 signatures, Gjorgi Manaskov has 186, Zorica Cvetkovska has 99, Gospodin Poposki has 19, and Tome Nikoloski has none, according to the SEC press release.

Gathering signatures for presidential candidates began on Feb. 23 and will continue through March 8 at 34 local SEC offices and before notaries. 

If a candidate is backed by a group of voters, they need to collect at least 10,000 signatures of registered voters. If a candidate is backed by MPs, they need to collect at least 30 signatures of MPs.


Премиерот Зоран Заев вчера ја отфрли можноста за одржување предвремени парламентарни избори заедно со локалните, а за пописот вели дека дефинитивно ќе се спроведе од 1 до 21 април и оти дебат


Potential candidates need to submit their bids to the SEC by March 19 at midnight. The deadline is the same for both the presidential and the parliamentary election. 


A total of 166 nationals of North Macedonia living abroad have registered to vote in the upcoming elections through the country's diplomatic and consular missions, the SEC said.

The presidential election is on April 24, and the parliamentary election will be held on May 8. mr/